Tech Cold War fears keeps Investors interested in the Digital Gold

2 min read

Echoes of the Trade War taking a new dimension kept the investors on the edge as last week saw Global Equities posting losses. The only exception was the Indian stocks jumping 4% for the week on the back of the re-election of the incumbent government, which promised continued economic reforms to keep the fastest growing economy in the World on track. The story was a little different with the two biggest economies as both China & U.S stuck to their guns regarding trade war negotiations. While China is blaming that the U.S backtracked on its commitments regarding the trade agreement,…...

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Faisal Khan Faisal is based in Canada with a background in Finance/Economics & Computers. He has been actively trading FOREX for the past 11 years. Faisal is also an active Stocks trader with a passion for everything Crypto. His enthusiasm & interest in learning new technologies has turned him into an avid Crypto/Blockchain & Fintech enthusiast. Currently working for a Mobile platform called Tradelike as the Senior Technical Analyst. His interest for writing has stayed with him all his life ever since started the first Internet magazine of Pakistan in 1998. He blogs regularly on Financial markets, trading strategies & Cryptocurrencies. Loves to travel.

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