More than 150 Apps Powering the Gig Economy

2 min read

The Future of Work is undergoing a fundamental change. Enabled & empowered by technology & embraced by Generation Z – a demographic who were born between 1995–2009 & who will form the biggest chunk of U.S workforce by 2020. While Gig Economy is traditionally defined as a temporary arrangement of work when you are in between jobs – your side gig so to say, it is becoming a mainstay for an increasing number of people. The rise of smartphones, unlimited high-speed internet & the emergence of e-commerce portals & online players like Uber, Lyft, Etsy, Amazon,, eBay, Airbnb has…...

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Faisal Khan Faisal is based in Canada with a background in Finance/Economics & Computers. He has been actively trading FOREX for the past 11 years. Faisal is also an active Stocks trader with a passion for everything Crypto. His enthusiasm & interest in learning new technologies has turned him into an avid Crypto/Blockchain & Fintech enthusiast. Currently working for a Mobile platform called Tradelike as the Senior Technical Analyst. His interest for writing has stayed with him all his life ever since started the first Internet magazine of Pakistan in 1998. He blogs regularly on Financial markets, trading strategies & Cryptocurrencies. Loves to travel.

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