3 Reasons Why NLP Matters

3 min read

“Each year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that depression affects over 300 million people, with nearly 800,000 suicides. This could either mean that a demand for clinical and counselling psychologists may grow as people become more aware of the need for it as consciousness of an individual and connections cannot be made by robots or psychologists may be replaced by AI as many apps such as Woebot, Calm, Simple Habit and many more as these apps earned $27 million in global revenue in the first quarter of 2018 alone. Amna Zaman in ‘Can AI Ever Replace Therapists?’ Natural language…...

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Jiwon Kim Jiwon is a Marketing and Event Specialist at Insider, a global AI-driven digital marketing solution startup. She is passionate about International Business Development, Strategy, and Data Visualization. Her previous work experiences include Booking.com, Airbnb, and Boeing. Her passion projects include 1cupofmarketing and verse doodles on Instagram.

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