Take a chance on risk

3 min read


Risk + Awareness = Lessons Learned Or Victories Claimed “The biggest risk is not taking any risk… In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” -Mark Zuckerberg While the biggest risk here may be the use of a Zuckerberg quote, there’s undoubtedly a fabric of truth weaved into his words, which resonate from the timeworn truism that life becomes more meaningful upon the employment of some measure of risk. Risk is, arguably, becoming more of a lost art than it is a daily philosophy. In the ever more comfortable…...

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Michael Woronko Michael Woronko is an avid writer and explorer of all things curious. Rekindling ancient philosophical questioning in a modern context whereby humanity faces its greatest leap forward into tech, space, and the mind. A top writer in numerous topics on Medium ranging from space to mental health and a sprouting entrepreneur, Michael's motivation stems from venturing into his own consciousness, experience, and observations.

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