6 Steps to Make You Spend LESS

7 min read

A lot of Behavioural Science, and Behavioural Economics and Behavioural Finance are just as guilty of this. go on and on about theoretical frameworks, modelling behaviours and doing longitudinal or just big statistical analysis to come to a conclusion about certain behaviours. Whether they occur or not. Whether they have positive or negative impacts on individuals, households or society as a whole. Whether the behaviour can and should be resolved. Sometimes it just drags on… But at other times, we know a behaviour is happening. We know it’s bad. We know it needs to be solved. It needs to be…...

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Merle van den Akker Merle van den Akker is a PhD student in Behavioural Science, at the Warwick Business School. She studies the effect different payment methods, especially contactless and mobile methods, have on how e manage our personal finances. In her "free" time she writes articles on personal finance, behavioural science, behavioural finance and life as a PhD student, these are all published on Money on the Mind. With DDI, she writes on personal and behavioural finance, to ensure that knowledge from academia trickles into the mainsteam, and can help as many people as possible!

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