Living on Unconditional Basic Income: How would UBI change lives at all wealth levels?

7 min read

basic income

If you are reading this article, you are curious about universal/unconditional basic income (UBI) or you already know lots about it and want to learn more. In this article, I wanted to discuss how UBI would change human behavior based on the data we’ve already collected from previous pilots. Unfortunately, most basic income pilots had conditions attached, like being unemployed, or in need of extra financial help. This meant that the data from pilots can only measure the impact on the lower end of a population’s wealth spectrum. To do a proper analysis of impacts for middle-class and wealthy individuals,…...

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Sylvain Rochon Sylvain is an international keynote speaker, futurist, entrepreneur and author of the non-fiction book "Engineering Paradise: Are You Ready?". As an entrepreneur, he supports and runs entertainment technology, digital media and international infrastructure funding businesses with multiple partners from around the world. He has a bachelors degree in biochemistry, chemical engineering and education from the University of Ottawa, Canada, has taught from high school to university for over 20 years and has been public speaking for over 12 years. In addition, he currently is a delegate of the World Future Society, a principle at the Canadian Institute of Mass Communication and is a Certified Master Entrepreneur Facilitator & Coach. His passion is now writing and speaking about how artificial intelligence will completely change our society and our economy through articles, other publications and other media formats like video and podcasts.

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