Updated Patent system in China: the PAO

2 min read

The very recent economic and trade agreements, as well as political ones, between American President Donald Trump and the Chinese Government, should facilitate a quiet and future cooperation, putting a pause and a truce to the duty conflict, which has filled entire pages of newspapers: it must be admitted, however, that significant legislative and regulatory issues are emerging, to allow this cooperation to “travel” under the banner of mutual legal respect. Many companies, not only Italian, run the risk of operating in foreign territory, without due caution and defence, to safeguard trademarks and patents. On December 19, 2019, in Hong…...

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Raffaella Aghemo Innovative Lawyer and Business Consultant, and recently Co-Founder of IUSINTECH Team, Raffaella has worked as the director of a communications agency for many years. A legal soul lent to marketing and business, she has made this combination of skills her strong point! She writes legal insights in her specializations (IP, innovation technology, communication, blockchain). Actually, she's following a blockchain development project in the luxury sector. She loves reading, writing, and movies.

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