Stock buybacks and why we all pay for them.

4 min read

Buybacks and infinite supply of money

We entered 2020 on the back of record-high debt burdens, geopolitical tensions, elections and a climate war. Not even 3 months in and we have an oil price war, demand shock and a supply shock. However, when the dust settles and the pandemic goes away, all these events will be blamed on the virus. The system was left wide open for any catalyst. Helicopter money, Stimulus, rescue packages, economic supplements are some commonly recurring headlines on media since of late.  It almost sounds too good to be true. That’s because it is. In the midst of a crisis, governments are…...

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Ashain Perera Ashain is a Civil engineering graduate from Swinburne university with a passion for fitness and finance. He is currently working as a quality engineer for Bombardier and invests his time in research within the financial sector and the broader economy. Addicted to books, podcasts and learning.

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