Defining ‘Life’ in the Time of COVID-19

4 min read

My wife and I are approaching a month of self-imposed isolation to avoid getting the coronavirus. We are both over 70 years old and have pre-existing conditions that make our fending off this disease highly desirable. I keep reading and listening to people talk about the future after this pandemic has ended or been harnessed so we can return to “normal,” but do we really understand what that means? Returning to “normal” is returning to where we were before and going on with the same attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs. It means ignoring what we’ve been through and the very high…...

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Jerry Lawson Writer/ghostwriter/essayist (, freelance journalist and artist. As a historian and biographer, Jerry operates a business focused on writing memoirs, biographies, and personal histories for private clients. Jerry was adjunct professor teaching history and government at several universities and worked as a reporter, editor, and managing editor of a newspaper. He acquired other experience working in industry, business, and banking. A recognized artist creating mosaics using hardwood scraps and pieces that are other’s trash. I live to write, create and make things using whatever medium is available. I am an explorer. I investigate, follow, and ponder whatever opportunities and issues life presents. I am curious about all things by nature and my interests and my writings and art are as varied as my experiences.

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