A World of Tradeoffs: Consider your Opportunity Costs

2 min read

I didn’t expect to remember much from the Economics courses I took in university when I started my first job in a completely unrelated industry. However, from both firsthand experience and observation, I’m starting to understand the importance of opportunity costs and prioritizing what is important. Rather than discuss my own limited experience, I’ll throw you a hypothetical. Here’s a sample situation. You’re a key decision-maker at a fast-growing startup. Your sales team is hounding you for several new features to sell bigger deals and make significant inroads in a new market. Your engineering team reminds you of the tech…...

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Mohammed Siddiqui Studied Business and International Relations at Carnegie Mellon. Interested in geopolitics, political economy, technological innovation, markets, international development, and consumer trends. I enjoy investing, working out, and drinking Raspberry Hot Chocolate.

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