Blockchain IoT – Making Them Work Together

4 min read

Blockchain has the potential to convert Internet of Things into Internet of Trusted Things. But some challenges need to be addressed for Blockchain IoT to work. Today, the Internet of Things is proliferating at an unprecedented rate and is omnipresent in our daily life. From homes to cities, everything around us seems to be in a race to become “smart.” The number of connected IoT devices is expected to reach 75 billion by 2025, five times more than what it was in 2015. Such rapid growth also brings in unforeseen perils. Are the devices genuine? Can the data from them…...

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Deepa Ramachandra I am a Blockchain enthusiast and evangelist. I write on Enterprise Blockchain and the Social Impact of Blockchain and Digital Currencies. I am curious about how emerging technologies of today disrupt and shape our tomorrow. Opinions are my own.

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