Google, Facebook and Twitter Are Collecting Your Data They Don’t Want You to Know About

6 min read

It’s a known fact that social media sites and search engines are collecting your information. However, there are many other places you may not be aware of that collect your information. “At every moment keep a sturdy mind on the task at hand, as a Roman and human being, doing it with strict and simple dignity, affection, freedom, and justice — giving yourself a break from all other considerations. You can do this if you approach each task as if it is your last, giving up every distraction, emotional subversion of reason, and all drama, vanity, and complaint over your…...

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Yattish Ramhorry I am most passionate about helping to make a difference in peoples lives, in whatever way, whether it is through art, innovation or through education. I enjoy working with cutting edge technologies, and learning of new and creative ways to implement technologies that can benefit all of mankind

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