
Understanding the ground robots and other intelligent systems that com...

Currently, with the COVID-19 virus outbreak, most patients in hospitals across the world are at high risk of getting seriously ill...
5 min read 252
Fog City

Business-centered health care or patient-centered business

The conflict of interest fueled by the populist attitude Healthcare is in a deep conflict within itself. It merely suffers the...
13 min read 205

The Future of COVID Testing

Pitfalls and opportunities We are all appalled by the feeble US response to the need for COVID testing. This failure was...
4 min read

Adapting to the Data Demands of Healthcare — What’s Needed?

In recent years, data-driven tools have been nothing short of revolutionary for the healthcare sector. With smart, IoT-powered health tech, patients...
3 min read 165

AI’s Role and Reputation in Post-Corona Society

All things pass, including corona. But not before shaping our future and accelerating trends that were already under way. Corona has...
11 min read 377

Utilizing Computing In The Fight Against SARS-CoV2

“The world is facing a public health emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We all need to take this on.”   ...
9 min read 252
medicine, personalized healthcare

It takes a village to take care of a patient

A Liberated village; or a Feudal dominion The Village of Healthcare must be personal and grassroots Most of us are familiar...
15 min read 595

How Startups Can Help Fix Our Broken Healthcare Infrastructure —...

A pandemic exposes the flaws in our society, healthcare very much included. While meaningful improvements require all 5 Ps — Payors,...
2 min read 285
COVID-19, Coronavirus

COVID-19 crisis: From Neo-populist Rhetoric to Globalist instrument

The coronavirus pandemic is the epitome of a natural disaster. Indisputably, unlike many other expected adversities, the COVID-19 crisis could have been...
20 min read

Cannabinoids and The Search For A Cure To Advanced Cancer Pain

Cancer pain can have a devastating impact on the quality of life of patients. Out of the 6.6 million cancer-related deaths...
4 min read 245
corporate medicine

21-st century Corporate medicine and the surge of Neo-Feudalism

Neo-feudalism, or the modern feudal ideology, is growing influential and widespread worldwide. Today neo-feudalism represents the epitome of the contemporary resurgence...
16 min read

Patient empowerment cannot be without physician empowerment.

Power as an individual trait Power is authority lent to an individual or earned by someone to carry out a task....
12 min read 359

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