
Inflationism: State-Sponsored Monopoly or the Economic Strategy

Money is a fiscal unit that functions as a generally accepted medium of trade for transactional purposes. But that unit does...
2 min read

Value of Currency, Gold vs. Fiat; The Genuine and Spurious

Money is a verifiable document commonly admitted as payment for goods and services or repayment of debts. It functions as a...
7 min read 344

4 Money Management Tips for First-Time Entrepreneurs

Over 82% of business failures occur as a result of financial mismanagement and cash flow issues. Starting a new business venture...
2 min read 228
Coins spill out from a jar on its side.

Artificial intelligence helps you be smart with money

Automation and artificial intelligence power an innovative platform that streamlines the fiscal process for both employers and employees. The technology bridges...
4 min read 395

How Wirecard Concealed Its €1.9 Billion Plothole

Good luck squeezing out of this one. Wirecard, the major German payment processing company, has shown in an audit that its...
3 min read 440

5 Reasons Why Financial Advisors Should Embrace the Virtual Practice M...

As the demand for long-term leases for office space completely crumbles under the COVID-19 pandemic, so too has the need for...
3 min read 223
Rising tide lifts all boats

The rising tide that doesn’t lift all boats

Every day there is a major event that will move the markets. Trade wars, currency wars, oil wars, pandemics, depression levels...
3 min read 306

Can Any Formula Tell You How Much Money To Save?

We are led to believe that there is a way to properly prepare for any financial disaster. But in the current...
5 min read 151

Could Modern Monetary Theory Save America?

I Become President For A Day To Apply Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) To The US Economy Politicians and academics are making...
7 min read 394

Psychology of Poverty

There seems to be a genuine belief that if you just work hard enough, dream big and go hard, you will...
4 min read 190

The Dangers of using Spending as a Reward

“Treat Yourself.” It’s a very common phrase these days. And it can mean a variety of things. Either you should indulge...
3 min read

Are you wasting your time on Switching Costs?

Switching costs might not be a term you are familiar with. And reading the words for the first time might not...
3 min read 191

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