
Data: It takes a village, but the buck has to stop somewhere

I’ve said many times: too often, an existing function implicitly assumes data responsibilities in organizations that struggle with data management (for...
4 min read 135

I think I’m responsible for data… am I?

It’s more times than I can count on one hand. A business or technology leader tells me they have a lot...
4 min read 128

The Quality of Analytics Practice: Making It Happen

In my previous blog, “Who is looking after the quality of your analytics?”, I talked about what it meant to ensure...
5 min read 113

Who is looking after the quality of your analytics?

We talk a lot about using analytics to improve the quality of something else. But when was the last time you...
6 min read 159

How to Automate Analytics Professionals Out of Their Jobs

I would be a big fat liar if I say I have never wasted time. I’ve been unproductive and procrastinated plenty...
4 min read 130

The Math Behind: Everything about Principle Component Analysis (PCA)

PCA reduces the dimensionality of data points that are in many spaces. Some ready codes and libraries allow coders to create...
4 min read

The Business Value Problem with Analytics

Analytics has a value problem. This is not new. In fact, we have been talking about this for decades. That notorious...
5 min read 260

Simulating Popular Distributions in Python

Interest in machine learning and data science has been growing at a rapid rate in recent years. More and more students...
3 min read 665

The disparity – Correlation vs Causation

We humans love to hear and tell stories. We are destined to naturally look for patterns in our day to day...
4 min read 389

How do Regression Trees Work?

Previously we spoke about decision trees and how they could be used in classification problems. Now we shift our focus onto...
7 min read

An Anecdote of Averages!

Get to know the 3 M’s – Mean, Median, Mode of statistics a little deeper, they trick you more so often....
3 min read 336

Please don’t let the data speak!

The world of data and analytics is full of misunderstanding and misinformation. Unfortunately, a lot of this is perpetuated not just...
4 min read 422

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