
Making Sense Of Tokenizing Tickets As NFTs

Before you can attend and enter a venue for a concert, exhibit, movies, sports, theater, conference or special events, you need...
6 min read 398

A Global Channel for Digital Securities

Tokenized securities were a disaster in 2018. Investors didn’t want them, regulators didn’t like them, and issuers used them to offer...
5 min read

Analyzing high interest rates on borrows in DeFi protocol

Looking into blockchain data to know how a DeFi protocol can have more than 100% of interest for borrow assets We...
2 min read 521

Libra may be the end for Facebook: Part 2

Facebook’s choice to issue a centralized, semi-anonymous, permissioned token (Libra) is puzzling. First, Facebook’s understanding of the concept of modern money...
2 min read 263

Libra may be the end for Facebook – Part I

In 2019, Facebook crossed a red line. The company announced the Libra project. Before digging into Libra, let’s get a very...
3 min read 264

Three Simple Questions (And One Difficult One) To Ask Before Investing...

There has never been a better time to be learning about blockchain. Between the rate of growth amongst currencies like Bitcoin...
2 min read 420

Digital Currencies, Blockchain and the Future of Money

“Blockchain”, “cryptocurrencies”, “tokenisation”, and now “central bank digital currencies” have made it into the technology hype cycle vocabulary, but what’s the...
8 min read

Observations on Token Derivatives – Part Two

In Part 2, we continue discussing how to use the MOVE Contract by understanding how does the buyer operate. Further, we...
3 min read 358

Observations on Token Derivatives – Part One

In Part 1, we introduce FTX’s MOVE Contract with profit and loss visualisation, and how to use the MOVE Contract. Derivatives...
5 min read 270
token economy

An Observation on Crypto Cycles: Is there still a Future for the Token...

We look at surviving or thriving in this cycle, bitcoin and altcoins adoption, and how gold will be the best investment...
4 min read 418
music industry

Can Blockchain Save the Music Industry?

The music industry is constantly changing. From records to cassettes to CDs to streaming, how people consume music is ever-evolving. One...
4 min read 838

A New Era of Lending: Blockchain Based Loans

Current Issue Without a history of credit, it is nearly impossible to receive a loan from traditional financial institutions. Banks typically...
4 min read 551

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