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Half of the world’s wealth is about to lose most of its value

Investors are beginning to realize that they need to have their money under control. One of Warren Buffett many hidden quotes...
2 min read 203

Fighting Climate Change with AI

Even though the pandemic has slowed down human life and in turn, its environmental impacts, 2020 was still the hottest year...
2 min read 101

Deep Tech Dive #5 | Norris Tie Co-Founder & CEO of Exosonic, Inc.

From Sub to Super, in Silence For this week’s Deep Tech Dive I had the pleasure of sitting down with Norris Tie,...
6 min read 166

Going Crazy Managing A Fundraise? 5 Practical Guidelines For Entrepren...

At Tau Ventures we believe the fundraising process is always a bit broken — it works for some startups some of...
3 min read 139

How to Find Banks to Refinance Single Family Investment Properties

Buy and hold real estate investment is, in my humble opinion, the best long-term investment someone can make. That doesn’t mean...
2 min read 107

Three Imperatives for Successfully “Outsourcing” Analytics

I’ve been on the service provider side of analytics for my entire professional life. I’ve also been in leadership positions in...
4 min read

Zombienomics 2.0: Crypto-Monetarist Austrian Economics Edition

“Practical men who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist....
12 min read 111

Deep Tech Dive #4 | Drew Bellcock CTO of Pipedream Labs

Building with Extensibility, Enter Holistic Innovation A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Drew Bellcock, CTO of Pipedream...
14 min read 391

Meeting Healthcare Enterprise demand by Hybridizing Blockchain and Mon...

Added peek at the Utility of Centralized in conjunction with a Robust Decentralized medical Practice Systems Blockchain is a relatively novel...
12 min read

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