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Top Safety Tips to Protect Yourself From Common Craigslist Scams

Online scams are thriving on e-commerce platforms as they provide various opportunities for creative and sophisticated fraudsters and cybercriminals. The popular...
3 min read

Big Data Disrupts Credit Applications As We Know Them

Convergence is the latest buzzword in finance, and thanks to the relationship between payments and loans, we are now seeing the emerging...
1 min read 123

Patient Data & Privacy: An Update

Medical entities are tasked with handling a patient’s diagnosis and subsequent treatment with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality. Complying with current...
3 min read 132
The IoT is «an interconnected environment in which all kinds of objects have a digital presence and the ability to communicate with other objects and people»

Questions and strategic objectives of the IoT

The phenomenon of the Internet of Things is in full expansion, both for the multiplication of digital devices on the market...
2 min read 561

If Capitalism is a failure, then what is the Alternative?

In the current political sphere along its rhetorical voyage, we all can meet face to face with buzzwords such as Capitalism,...
9 min read 895

A Simple Philosophy to Unlock Results

“You either progress, or you momentarily stay where you are until you progress but you can’t fail”. This is a quote...
2 min read 347

Startup Outside A Tech Hub? 3 Arguments For It

So you are not in a top startup ecosystem like San Francisco, NYC, London, Beijing, Tel Aviv or Bangalore? Many investors...
2 min read 272

Libra may be the end for Facebook – Part I

In 2019, Facebook crossed a red line. The company announced the Libra project. Before digging into Libra, let’s get a very...
3 min read 264

The Shift Towards Sustainable Pensions: How Plan Beneficiaries are Sha...

Many institutional investors are addressing global issues by making allocations into ‘sustainable investments’. Sustainable investing is an umbrella term referring to...
3 min read 177

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