Be Afraid, be Very Afraid… Why Fiat is Right to Fear Digital Currency

5 min read

The aim of this article is to provide an extra perspective on a section in our recent (and upcoming) EU H2020 grant bids that outlines the history and function of fiat money in relation to digital currency. To our mind, this section in our grant bids does a better and more transparent job of explaining in plain English the similarities (and differences) between fiat and digital currency than many a so-called “economist” is prone or wants to do (and for very good reason). The question at the outset is obvious and compelling: why would mainstream economists want to obfuscate through their borderline…...

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Rich James Co-founder at DECENTR. Rich is a dedicated start-up and business advisor, trainer, teacher and public speaker. A work process flow (traditional and digital) expert, he is frequently called upon by SMEs to ensure every facet of large-scale ITC/blockchain projects are being delivered in a seamless and complementary set of processes. Rich is an academic researcher and business and H2020 proposal writer who researches blockchain, DLTs, ICOs, cryptocurrency, AI (DL NNs, etc) Big Data and the data economy for multiple IoT/IoV/IoE/NGI applications for UK/EU businesses and universities. His skills and experience are invaluable in the formulation of workable specs, wireframes and UI/UX features for SMEs wishing to streamline the effectiveness of their digitisation strategy. Rich’s combined SSH/business background means he is also skilled at turning complex heterodox economic, SSH and communications principles and systems into executable specs for development teams. He is as also skilled at coordinating interdisciplinary and communications and dissemination activities across select H2020 consortia and for commercial and other stakeholders, including many household name brands.

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