Turning Around On The Information Highway

3 min read


“Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”  -T.S. Eliot Since the dawn of the 24-hour news cycle, the information highway that we now find ourselves on has seen a prolific rate of growth, bifurcating all the more with the advent of the internet and mobile tech. We’re bombarded with news from innumerable outlets, each new headline grasping at our attention more desperately than the last. All the click-bait, misinformation, exaggeration, unethical reporting — notable blemishes on the media’s record in conveying news to the public that bring this ceaseless stream of…...

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Michael Woronko Michael Woronko is an avid writer and explorer of all things curious. Rekindling ancient philosophical questioning in a modern context whereby humanity faces its greatest leap forward into tech, space, and the mind. A top writer in numerous topics on Medium ranging from space to mental health and a sprouting entrepreneur, Michael's motivation stems from venturing into his own consciousness, experience, and observations.

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