The Daily Schedule of a Mindful CEO

3 min read


You’ve probably read countless articles that highlight the typical schedule of a big startup CEO. Popular founders such as Mark Zuckerberg, Mark Cuban, and Jeff Bezos are constantly mentioned in the news for their tiresome schedules. Catchy headlines such as “What time Jeff Bezos wakes up everyday” or “How many hours of sleep Marc Cuban gets a night” pull us in and make our brains rethink the way we work and live. Should we also be waking up at 4am? Can you be successful if you don’t work sixteen hours per day? You begin to wonder if you’re doing it all…...

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Colette Nataf Colette Nataf founded Lightning AI in 2016 after spending multiple years in Silicon Valley at Intercom and Mile IQ. Lightning AI has grown from 3 to 300+ clients in just two years under Colette's leadership. In addition to her role as CEO, you can also find her speaking on AI, and writing about her experience as a female founder in tech.

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