When You’re Suffocated by Debt

2 min read


It’s severe suffocation when you are overwhelmed in debts, have racing thoughts, live paycheck to paycheck, and cannot sleep. You also worry if the debt collectors will contact your employer. In America, 78% of people live paycheck to paycheck. I decided it to be enough! Therefore, I developed a plan for how I spend my money. Personal finance is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior. That indicates it is essential to have a plan in place. Where do you begin? 1. Make a goal. Make a goal to save money in the future to get you motivated and maintain stability…....

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Mari Colham Mari Colham is a court reporter, freelance reporter, domestic violence volunteer and survivor, cab driver, and survivor of identity theft from her abusive ex-spouse. She has an Associates Degree in Business Administration, graduated with honors, and is from Nothern Louisiana where she had to take prevention and safety measures into her own hands due to her ex-spouse's connections with law enforcement and their uncooperation to work with her. Her passions are speaking the truth against domestic abuse, spoiling her cat, Lil Man, fishing, mud hogging, and reading crime novels.

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