Controlling the Narrative

3 min read


There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. – William Shakespeare We often hear a form of nonsense, enough that we don’t even notice how foolish it is. It seeps into our daily dialogue. We hear this gibberish by the water cooler in the office, outside of church after Sunday service, on the phone with relatives, and in the hallways between classes. “You know there are no coincidences…” “Hey, stuff like this always happens for a reason…” “Well, everything has a meaning…” People are well-intentioned when they say these statements. They’re offering comfort via clichés. But…...

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Adrian Potter Adrian S. Potter is an author, engineer, consultant, and public speaker. He writes poetry, short fiction, essays, and articles on a variety of subjects including creativity and personal growth. He is the author of the poetry collection Everything Wrong Feels Right. Adrian’s words have appeared in Roads & Bridges Magazine, LILIPOH, North American Review, and Kansas City Voices.

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