Big Data And Its Impact On Business And Mobile Apps

4 min read

Today it would take a person approximately 181 million years to download all the data from the internet. Yes, you read that right! Now you can imagine the amount of data that is out there circulating the internet. But that’s just data, what is the fuss all about? Global Web Index suggests that we spend 33% of our total time on social media. While we spend this time online, we continuously produce some form of data. Each one of us is doing the same. So there’s a humongous amount of data that gets collected through social media alone, and then…...

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Varsha Solanki Varsha Solanki is a Digital Marketing Strategist at Space-O Technologies, a mobile app development company. She has 3 years of experience in the Information Technology industry. She spends her time reading about new trends in Digital Marketing and the latest technologies.

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