Five Habits You Should Stop to Be More Successful

3 min read

Success comes from hammering away at your craft until other people take notice. And then keep doing it at a high level until people appreciate what you have to offer. And then, unless you’re extremely fortunate, continuing to work at it even more. You can do this. Trust me. But it’ll help if you start avoiding these five hazardous habits. Maintaining a “me against the world” attitude. You have a mile-wide chip on your shoulder. Nothing has ever come easy. But you’re going to hit paydirt, no matter the odds or who stands in your way.  I get it. I…...

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Adrian Potter Adrian S. Potter is an author, engineer, consultant, and public speaker. He writes poetry, short fiction, essays, and articles on a variety of subjects including creativity and personal growth. He is the author of the poetry collection Everything Wrong Feels Right. Adrian’s words have appeared in Roads & Bridges Magazine, LILIPOH, North American Review, and Kansas City Voices.

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