Neither the Globalists nor the Populists Can Monopolize the COVID-19 Story

2 min read

If the Financial Crisis of 2008 stirred doubt in the global economic system, COVID-19 exposed its fragility. Yet, it has also shown the drawbacks of populism and the need for a multilateral approach in tackling global issues. Political leaders are scrambling to counteract the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Promising reports of a flattening curve in New York show glimmers of hope for a city which had quickly become the epicenter for coronavirus cases within the United States.  Countries have closed their borders. Over-leveraged corporations are seeking bailouts and the world seems to have grinded to a halt.  From…...

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Mohammed Siddiqui Studied Business and International Relations at Carnegie Mellon. Interested in geopolitics, political economy, technological innovation, markets, international development, and consumer trends. I enjoy investing, working out, and drinking Raspberry Hot Chocolate.

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