Could Machine Learning and NLP Have Predicted Oil’s Crash? The Answer is YES.

5 min read

A guide on how to combine Machine Learning and NLP to successfully predict the COVID-19 lead oil crash. On April 20th, 2020, futures for WTI (Crude oil’s U.S. benchmark) reached for the first time in history negative values. In other words, producers had to pay traders to discard the excess oil off their hands. Such a catastrophe was not a one-day thing. On the contrary, there was a build-up process taking place behind the scenes for months before the crash. The process its self will be discussed in another article as it is not the subject of today’s analysis. Black Gold can…...

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Filippos Dounis I'm a 16 year-old student freelancer. I have been programming for seven years now and I specialize in Machine Learning. The majority of my research revolves around machine learning models in economics, finance, and medicine.

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