The disparity – Correlation vs Causation

4 min read

We humans love to hear and tell stories. We are destined to naturally look for patterns in our day to day life events and we like to connect the dots, relate one event to another (correlate), to tell a compelling story that is strongly persuasive and cohesive, about what we think is happening, which in some cases could be drastically different to what is actually happening. Each individual has a distinct and a unique perception and reflection towards the world. So, the Correlation:  Correlation in general terms is set to imply a relationship, a connection or an association between two…...

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Priyasha Prasad I am currently doing my Masters in Business Analytics. My topics of interests include Statistics, Econometrics, Database Management, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, Data Governance and Ethics, Digital Transformation. I am an Information Technology Professional with 3 years of Technology Consulting experience, as a Business technology Analyst, working in projects from Healthcare, Insurance and Banking domains at Deloitte Consulting. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I enjoy writing, reading books on a variety of topics and blogs on fashion, health and fitness . I am passionate about art & crafts - enjoy making DIY projects, practising doodle art and sewing basic patterns.

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