Business Continuity Or Financial Protection

2 min read

Small businesses have been hit hard while many investors got a punch in the face. Emergency orders and lack of paying customers are forcing many companies to close shop. Meanwhile, the February stock market crash and oil market implosion just two months later have ruined many investors. Sad stories and pleas for government help have become the norm. What is not being said are the stories about the small companies hustling past disruption and the investors on the short side of those trades. For these, it is a prosperous time. The people going against conventional expectations are the ones securing…...

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Todd Moses Before Todd Moses became known as The Uncertainty Architect for challenging business owners to protect their companies from disruption, he built automated trading strategies, lead a team to produce a multimillion-dollar AI product, and founded a successful startup company. A guest lecturer at North Carolina State University, Todd applies research to help small businesses grow past disruption.

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