Voice is Creating the New Normal

3 min read

How big will voice-based interfaces become in 2020, and how will we use voice differently? This question is on the minds of behavioralists, technologists, and businesses everywhere as we all adapt to / create a new normal. At the outset of 2020, voice was growing at a predictably robust rate. A consumer survey conducted by Voicebot showed that 87.7 million Americans had adopted a smart speaker by January 2020, up 32 percent year over year. Also, the number of in-car voice assistant users rose 13.7 percent to 129.7 million. And then COVID-19 hit, upending everything. Weeks after President Trump issued…...

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Mark Persaud Mark Persaud is an Innovation Strategist who’s passionate about bringing lovable, user-centric products and experiences to life. As the Emerging Experiences Practice Lead at Moonshot, he enjoys strategizing, designing, and delivering experiences using next gen technologies, namely: Immersive Reality, Voice, IoT, and AI to empower users and enhance their quality of life. His efforts are driven by his ideology that value should be created for all user groups across value chains to create sustainable growth models. As an on-going student of life’s experiences, he has come to believe that it's not just the product or the experience that makes something truly enjoyable, valuable, or fulfilling, rather the two mindsets supporting each other in a harmonious and balanced duet. Rooted in this sentiment, he enjoys seeing the power of collaboration and teamwork come to fruition. My key metric: lovability – for products, for experiences, for collaboration, for life.

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