On Privacy by Design

6 min read

We are living in an era dominated by technological advances and digital innovation. With respect to data, these advances have paved way for the immense potential of using centralized databases and other related infrastructures to capture, collect, store, mine and share data at an unimaginable pace and size (big data). The data, which was once used or could only be used by the Government, who had the resources, manpower and the need to use it for some specific purposes, is now made available online, increasing its affordability and accessibility to a great extent. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change…...

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Priyasha Prasad I am currently doing my Masters in Business Analytics. My topics of interests include Statistics, Econometrics, Database Management, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, Data Governance and Ethics, Digital Transformation. I am an Information Technology Professional with 3 years of Technology Consulting experience, as a Business technology Analyst, working in projects from Healthcare, Insurance and Banking domains at Deloitte Consulting. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I enjoy writing, reading books on a variety of topics and blogs on fashion, health and fitness . I am passionate about art & crafts - enjoy making DIY projects, practising doodle art and sewing basic patterns.

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