The Lowest Cost & Most Effective Path to Better Cybersecurity

3 min read

The best and most overlooked action for robust cybersecurity might be the least expensive. Among the many challenges organizations face in 2020, cybersecurity (or the lack thereof) has dominated the news cycle. Ultra-sophisticated criminals are penetrating every type and size of company. In a recent article from Forbes, yet another threat has emerged from what seems to be a highly experienced crew who claim their latest ransomware, “DarkSide,” is the “perfect product.” According to the article, the group has already netted $1M in just two weeks. A confluence of increased digitization, criminal impunity, and a dramatic increase in remote work has…...

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Alex Panagides Alex Panagides is a well-known email technology pioneer and the founder and chief executive officer of mxHero, a Silicon Valley start-up providing cutting-edge solutions to support and enhance email for all, Alex launched mxHero in 2012 alongside a highly skilled team to improve email issues that companies face on a day-to-day basis, such as the increased volume and size of emails, virus and security threats, and global accessibility. The mxHero team is continually innovating to address email and data storage challenges for businesses and individuals. Alex had previously co-founded one of today’s leading email technology companies in Brazil, Inova International Inc. that grew to serve government agencies, telecom providers and multi-nationals among other organizations in the region. In addition to his work as an IT specialist with a mind for solving real-world problems related to email pain points, Alex has also served as a consultant to the World Bank in Washington D.C. and Brazil. In all, Alex brings more than 25 years of technical, operational, and managerial leadership and vision to mxHero establishing partnerships with today’s leading companies including Google, Box, Dropbox, Microsoft and Citrix.

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