Raising A Startup Round? How And When To Share Fundraising Updates

3 min read

How long does it take to raise capital? Why am I not getting term sheets when other companies are? Is that investor really interested? These are among the most common questions entrepreneurs ask themselves and VCs. Rounds come in all sizes, shapes and forms with some happening in a matter of few days, especially at the early-stage and most especially at the pre-seed with SAFEs. But institutional rounds (i.e., where an institution like a fund or corporate is coming in significantly) tend to take 3 months end to end. At Tau Ventures we have noticed that covid has lengthened that…...

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Amit Garg I have been in Silicon Valley for 20 years -- at Samsung NEXT Ventures, running my own startup (as of May 2019 a series D that has raised $120M and valued at $450M), at Norwest Ventures, and doing product and analytics at Google. My academic training is BS in computer science and MS in biomedical informatics, both from Stanford, and MBA from Harvard. I speak natively 3 languages, live carbon-neutral, am a 70.3 Ironman finisher, and have built a hospital in rural India serving 100,000 people.

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