Macro Things Have Nano Beginnings

6 min read

GNR part 3: The Infinitesimally Small World of Nanotechnology As a fellow believer of the acceleration of technology and fan of esteemed futurist Ray Kurzweil, I will be writing a 4-part series on his predictions on GNR (Genetics, Nanotechnology, and Robotics) and how they stand today. This is part 3 of 4, enjoy! Humans have grown quite comfortable with the physical world around us, the macro world we can see with our own eyes. In the past century, scientists began to leave their comfort zone to voyage into the micro world, the molecular world unseen to us. Now, the time has come for us…...

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Andrew Kirima Andrew was born in Kenya and moved to the US when he was 3. He graduated in the class of 2020 from the University of Arizona with a B.S. in Systems Engineering and a minor in ECE (Electrical & Computer Engineering). His entrepreneurial endeavors began senior year of college when he and some classmates founded Facade Technologies to sponsor their own Senior Design Project. They built a desktop application named Facile that can compile APIs to automate other applications. Right now, he is the CTO of Sencha Credit, an early stage fintech company, where they are working hard to develop the debit card that builds credit. Their mission is to empower everyone to build credit effortlessly and reach new financial heights! He loves to share his enthusiasm for the acceleration of technology on his blog, as he encourages entrepreneurship while exhibiting his passion for deeptech. Andrew understands that the speed of innovation is exponential, but he’s worried it takes too long for organizations to utilize new innovation, so his mission is to teach & demystify the complexity of deeptech to everyone. “Humans beings are evolving. Some believe we’re transcending into a new paradigm of evolution, and I want people to embrace that future.”

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