Why Data-Driven and Technical Marketing Outperforms Traditional Social Media Marketing

2 min read

When brands consider how to best utilize their marketing budget, many tend to overestimate the influence of social media. While social media can have a sizable benefit towards brand awareness, if marketing efforts cover too wide of an area, money is spent reaching people who were never likely to use the product or service. Instead of focusing on traditional marketing through social media channels, many brands benefit from a more technically-minded approach. Although these technical marketing strategies are less visible than Facebook posts and re-Tweets, they’re often more effective at developing a sustainable connection with an interested audience. What Is…...

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Christoph Leitner Christoph is a code-loving father of two beautiful children. He is a full-stack developer and a committed team member at Zenscrape.com - a subsidiary of saas.industries. When he isn’t building software, Christoph can be found spending time with his family or training for his next marathon.

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