Race to win Token Offerings, China raises $1.11 billion – New InWara Report

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token offerings

China-based Blockchain and crypto startups raised a whopping $1.11 billion during H1 2019, accounting for as much as 33.2% of the total funds raised during this period – according to the latest Blockchain and crypto report by InWara, released on 1st July. In comparison, US-based Blockchain and crypto startups just raised $255 million and accounted for 7.6% of the total funds raised. On the heels of the US is Singapore, UAE, and the UK has raised $232 million, $231 million and $212 million respectively. Overall, there has been an uptick in the funds raised by Asian countries especially new jurisdictions…...

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Gregory S Matthew As an engineer, Gregory has always been passionate about technology and is well versed in its applications. He is currently exploring the possible use cases of blockchain technology and its implications on the world.

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