3 High Quality Dividend Aristocrats For Long-Term Dividend Growth

4 min read

Dividend Aristocrats

Dividends are a big part of our investing philosophy, as research has shown that dividend growth stocks have significantly outperformed non-dividend paying stocks. For example, the Dividend Aristocrats are a group of 57 stocks in the S&P 500 Index, that have increased their dividends for over 25 years in a row. According to Standard & Poor’s, the Dividend Aristocrats generated total annual returns of 14.4% in the past 10 years, compared with annual returns of 13.3% for the broader S&P 500 Index in the same period. And, the Dividend Aristocrats have managed this outperformance with lower stock volatility (as measured…...

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Bob Ciura Bob Ciura is Senior Vice President of Sure Dividend, in charge of all content on Sure Dividend and its partner sites. Bob has worked for Sure Dividend since 2016. He has a bachelor's degree in finance from DePaul University and an MBA from the University of Notre Dame.

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