Do be do be do — A Creative Process

3 min read

Creative Process

“All the world of experience, including matter, is the material manifestation of transcendent forms of consciousness.”  – Amit Goswami You may or may not have heard of a man by the name of Amit Goswami — he’s pretty out there. Assuming that you haven’t come across his musings, Amit is a theoretical nuclear physicist and, at 81 years of age, he has authored over a dozen books that navigate the enigmatic waters of quantum physics from the perspective of human consciousness. “Consciousness is the agency that collapses the wave of a quantum object, which exists in potentia, making it an immanent particle…...

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Michael Woronko Michael Woronko is an avid writer and explorer of all things curious. Rekindling ancient philosophical questioning in a modern context whereby humanity faces its greatest leap forward into tech, space, and the mind. A top writer in numerous topics on Medium ranging from space to mental health and a sprouting entrepreneur, Michael's motivation stems from venturing into his own consciousness, experience, and observations.

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