The Math in ML: Cosine Similarity

4 min read

cosine similarity

In Machine Learning, we frequently express the similarity between two vectors as cosine similarity. What exactly does that mean? What has ‘cosine’ got to do with similarity? Well, there is Math in ML and cosine similarity between vectors has everything to do with Math. Let us refresh what is a vector, and then we come to what is the cosine between two vectors. What is a Vector? A vector is a column of numbers enclosed in brackets, like this. As a special case, a two dimensional vector is a column of two numbers enclosed in brackets, like this. When you…...

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Amaresh Patnaik Amaresh is a researcher in the areas of Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. Additionally he works in the area of learning and development for professionals in the IT services industry. He uses Python and TensorFlow for his research work. In these columns he shares his experiences with the intention of helping the reader understand concepts and solving problems. He is based out of Mumbai, India.

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