Stop Using These Excuses When It Comes to Personal Development

3 min read

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.” ―George Washington Carver It’s nearly New Year’s resolution season, a time of brazen hope and familiar disappointment. You’ve been here before – just as you commit to improvement, you somehow come up with a myriad of flimsy excuses not to. Fear hijacks our motivation and makes us say things to ourselves that you don’t believe. Maybe it’s because you’re scared of rejection, failure, or being scrutinized by others. Stop torturing yourself. The path to success does not involve insults, excuses, or diminished self-worth. Disrupt the…...

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Adrian Potter Adrian S. Potter is an author, engineer, consultant, and public speaker. He writes poetry, short fiction, essays, and articles on a variety of subjects including creativity and personal growth. He is the author of the poetry collection Everything Wrong Feels Right. Adrian’s words have appeared in Roads & Bridges Magazine, LILIPOH, North American Review, and Kansas City Voices.

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