3 Reasons The SpaceX Starship Is a Good Investment

3 min read

Seven years ago, Elon Musk released the Starship as the world’s first heavy lift fully-reusable launcher capable of interplanetary flight. Then in April of 2019, the Starship began to take shape as the Starhopper prototype. This construction climaxed with the model lifting off to an altitude of 500 feet. The Starhopper prototype has since been grounded while work continues on building more capable rocket ships.  When the vehicle is operational at some point in the next decade, its unique reusability will unlock commercial opportunities unavailable since the retirement of the Space Shuttle nearly a decade ago. In contrast to its…...

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Dave Rauschenfels I began my career in manufacturing as a tech analyzing the origin of production problems. Then after ten years I realized that I was only investigating part of the problem. Today I am a freelance research analyst and ghostwriter for consulting companies. My work has also been published in Curious Droid and DisrupterDaily.

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