Science and Money in the Climate Change Debate

11 min read

… if we had one There is no public debate about climate change. On Medium, where I post my texts, there are thousands of articles about climate change. I read many of them and wrote a few myself. As elsewhere in media, each text presents the views of its author. There are no polemics between writers presenting different viewpoints. All four of my published texts[1] on this subject are exceptions. They are polemics, with climate change activists listed by name. Besides that, I did not spot any other polemics about climate change on Medium. The climate change alarmists avoid any…...

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Henryk A. Kowalczyk An engineer by training, an argumentative writer by calling, and an entrepreneur by necessity. In my youth, I was among those Polish political writers who paved the road to the peaceful system transformation that took place in 1989. Since 1985, I have lived in the Chicago area. Working in the service business, I have experienced an America not known to most politicians and political writers. I have built from zero a few successful businesses, both in Poland and in the United States. I write whenever I see that the prevailing voices in the political arena are misleading or erroneous. I write to tell it like it is.

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