It takes a village to take care of a patient

15 min read

medicine, personalized healthcare

A Liberated village; or a Feudal dominion The Village of Healthcare must be personal and grassroots Most of us are familiar with the proverb- “It takes a village to raise a child.” We have encountered its usage within numerous contexts too. However, what is interesting to me is that many use the proverb in the somewhat controversial frameworks. Before we explore what, I mean, lets recap on the literal meaning and the origin as what someone means by whole village taking care of a child. I also would like to address a few controversial usages of the motto within the…...

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Adam Tabriz, MD Dr. Adam Tabriz is an Executive level physician, writer, personalized healthcare system advocate, and entrepreneur with 15+ years of success performing surgery, treating patients, and creating innovative solutions for independent healthcare providers. He provides critically needed remote care access to underserved populations in the Healthcare Beyond Borders initiative. His mission is to create a highly effective business model that alleviates the economic and legislative burden of independent practitioners, empowers patients, and creates ease of access to medical services for everyone. He believes in Achieving performance excellence by leveraging medical expertise and modern-day technology.

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