8 Mobile Commerce Trends that will Rule the Ecosystem

4 min read

What do you think Zara, Depop, and Lush have in common? Don’t stress yourself too much. It is simple. All three and a plethora of other such brands are working on the mobile strategy that has won the heart of their target market. In a recent report by eMarketer named The Future of Retail 2020 states that the growth of e-commerce is expected to rise to $666 billion in the U.S. market in 2020 and could reach up to $845 billion by 2022. Why should retailers care about this expeditious rise in m-commerce? According to principal analyst of eMarketer, mobile commerce is…...

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Sidharth Jain Founder and CEO at Graffersid.com - a Website and Mobile App Development Studio that helps corporations automate their processes and entrepreneurs to build their products from Ideation to being Investor-ready. Before the hunger of making an impact took over, Sidharth has worked as an adept developer for 7 years in top MNC, where he has managed system for Fortune 500 corporate clients as well as for unicorn startups. That is when Sidharth saw the gap between "What client want" v/s "What client needed". It is rare to find people who can really listen to the client, understand the requirement and provide suggestions like it is their own product. This led to the foundation of Graffersid, which has now established its name for its unique approaches and customer-centric design principles. Sidharth, being passionate about tech and start-ups also manages a community of skilled developers and successful Entrepreneurs. Sidharth and his team have worked with clients from various domains and also with IT giants like Infosys. With their strategic approach and state-of-the-art products, they have managed to deliver products which got selected in Y Combinator, Google Incubation USA, BlueChilli Australia, Coca Cola Ventures Australia and more.

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