The Master-Slave Database Concept For Beginners

2 min read

Master-slave architecture

A short explanation about one of the database concepts for microservices What is master-slave? The master-slave concept has been around for a while now. This is a fairly simple concept actually, all you need to understand is that there is one master and there are many slaves. Master-slave is a way to optimize the I/O in your application other than using caching. The master database serves as the keeper of information, so to speak. The true data is kept at the master database, thus writing only occurs there. Reading, on the other hand, is only done in the slave. What…...

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Agustinus Theodorus Agustinus currently works as an IT Architecture and Web Services Staff at Bina Nusantara IT Division. Handles crucial API for the company's core data process. His hobbies include reading, writing, and coding (obviously!). His interests include automation, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. Though he isn't a tech-specific writer, you can read more about Agustinus and his works on his blog.

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