What’s Your COVID Rating? Designing Office Spaces for Pandemic Safety

3 min read


Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic swept over America and compelled workers to flee their offices for the isolated security of their own homes, commercial real estate leaders have found themselves struggling to answer a single question: How do we make employees feel safe in corporate settings again? In a time when social distancing is a necessity, and the risk of disease transmission in the close confines of an office is both real and pressing, it’s a difficult question to answer. However, some organizations have already taken strides towards a solution.  In early June, the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI) rolled…...

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Daniel Neiditch Daniel Neiditch is an entrepreneur and business leader who has dedicated his career to redefining New York’s real estate industry. His agency, River 2 River Realty, has been responsible for over $1 billion in acquisitions over the past decade. Under Neiditch’s leadership, River 2 River Realty has become all but synonymous with elite living in New York City; it specializes in providing its residents with comprehensive service, concierge assistance, 24-hour on-call support, and a host of upscale amenities. Neiditch is also passionate about green building; his property, Atelier Condo, boasts the highest array of solar panels in NYC. Daniel Neiditch’s thoughts on sustainability and green building can be found on Entrepreneur, Forbes, and SCORE NYC. Outside of his work in real estate, Daniel Neiditch is an avid philanthropist who donates funds to causes that address the issues of homelessness, domestic violence and abuse, and childhood access to medical care.

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