Looking Beyond NFT From Million Dollar JPEG Energy Hogs To Its Value Proposition

11 min read

The value of digital content can be captured in NFT (Non-Fungible Token), a type of cryptocurrency that is stored on the Ethereum blockchain. This allows anyone to create a token or tokens for their digital content and sell it in an open decentralized marketplace. The NFT industry emerged in 2020, as prices of minted tokens soared based on their demand. NFT include drawings, songs, music, gaming rewards, video clips, tickets, novelty items, and just about anything digital or physical that can be tokenized. The NFT is not the content itself, but it is what gives access and ownership to the content. NFT falls under…...

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Vincent Tabora I am a network engineer and technology writer, with a deep focus in blockchain and machine learning technology. I have extensive experience in the IT industry developing and implementing solutions in various industries. I eventually became more interested in blockchain due to the rise in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. I realized that it was not about speculating on price value, it is a disruption in the finance industry. At the moment I like to educate about the significance of cryptocurrency, which I feel has great potential to drive innovation not just in financial systems, but even in settlements and trust.

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