Anatomy of a Phishing Scam, Part II: Phishing via Text Messages

3 min read

In Part I of this topic, I explored how the process of an email phishing scam works and the processes and tools you can use to help defend yourself. In the second and last part of this series, I want to focus on a different kind of attack that’s just as easy to spot, once you know how to spot it. Phishing by SMS or text message is known as “SMiShing”. I know: stupid name, but it’s a thing. I recently received the text message you see here. Honestly, I thought nothing of it: I occasionally get contacted by my…...

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David Koff David Koff has had a successful and incredibly fun dual-track career in both technology and the arts for about 25 years. He's got a love for the analytical side of technology from coding to problem-solving. He's also an accomplished performer and teacher of improvisation, a life skill that he believes all humans should study for some amount of time.

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