Maya Middlemiss Maya is the managing director of BlockSparks, a creative communications agency for the blockchain space. Her background includes journalism, research and user experience, and she's obsessed with future technology, and this combines with a desire to tell the story behind a project and bring it to life for readers. She is a productivity geek with a butterfly mind, continually scanning for the latest app or device or methodology which will make her location-independent life complete. She wants to make the future more evenly distributed, by exploring what’s going on at the leading edges - and testing them to destruction where required.


2 Stories by Maya Middlemiss

Butterflies and Hurricanes: Big-Data Storms Drive Evidence-Based Success

There is an old saying in idiomatic English, that ‘climate is what you expect, weather is what you get’. A salutary reminder, that even...
3 min read 188

Don’t Leave Your Honey in the Pot: Protecting Your Crypto Assets After Purchase

One of the most difficult things for a new cryptocurrency investor to initially get to grips with is the extent to which YOU are...
3 min read 157

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