Customer Behavior leading to Disruptive trends

As the world is reaping the benefits of the fourth industrial revolution, disruptive technology is also evolving into it finest stage....
3 min read 203

Why is international cooperation so hard?

Remember climate change? On June 20, the high temperature in Verkhoyansk, a town in northeast Russia about 260 miles south of...
2 min read

Can emissions trading save us?

What is emissions trading? Source Emissions trading, also known as cap and trade, has two components. First a cap is set...
3 min read 133

The Shift Towards Sustainable Pensions: How Plan Beneficiaries are Sha...

Many institutional investors are addressing global issues by making allocations into ‘sustainable investments’. Sustainable investing is an umbrella term referring to...
3 min read 176

5 Potential Blockchain Use-cases that can save the environment

Blockchain technology has become synonymous with innovation and disruption. While several sectors like healthcare, education, and finance have significantly benefited from...
3 min read 296

ESG Investing Has a Data Problem — Here’s Why That Matters

Sustainable ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing requires, by its very definition, a robust and sensible approach. No investment that purports...
2 min read 360

Science and Money in the Climate Change Debate

… if we had one There is no public debate about climate change. On Medium, where I post my texts, there...
11 min read 444

Using Mobile to Help Eradicate Child Labor on Ivorian Cocoa Farms

West African farmers use child labor to cost-effectively scale production of the cocoa used by chocolate companies to make chocolates. Out...
5 min read 472

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